Saturday, December 28, 2013

Blog Views per Entry

As my life is likely going to go through significant changes this next year and time no longer allows quite as much time to devote to certain odd passions of mine, I'm going to probably stop updating this blog regularly. It takes a lot of work and relatively few people read it, as seen in the table of relative popularity of my blogs per entry:

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Reading by Genre 2013

Here's the breakdown by genre of what I read this year:

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Most E-mails Received by Person in 2013

I wanted to see how many e-mails I received in 2013. This doesn't include Facebook messages, which means some people are not here that probably should be. Still, it's been an interesting year insofar as I went from seeking and from dating around to having a girlfriend, and in part I was wondering how that impacted the messages I received and from whom. (A few years ago, I realized, too late, that one woman had been writing me for a long while and was probably interested--I didn't pick up on the hint soon enough and lost out to another guy.) This year, however, the larger numbers come mostly from women penpals overseas, people firmly established as friends, or from the gal who became my girlfriend, with only maybe a couple of other women I might have been able to date had I made such a move (and, in the latter case, mostly only in the first half of the year).
Or to see it in another way:

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Spam, Spam, and More Spam

I continue to get excess amounts of spam at work right to my inbox. This is beginning to affect productivity. I received over one hundred spam messages Monday through Thursday a few weeks ago. Here is the time by which I received one hundred (starting from 8:00 a.m.):